
Praise for "Voting in Fear"

“In developing the volume of essays for ‘Voting in Fear,’ the United States Institute of Peace has assembled a comprehensive set of insights into the political, security, social, and economic factors which create vulnerabilities for electoral violence in Sub-Sahara Africa. As a result, this book represents an important contribution to understanding the conflict dynamics of such violence so that policymakers and practitioners can develop effective response measures to prevent, manage, and medi...

President Obama’s Historic Burma Visit

Monday, November 19, 2012

Priscilla Clapp, former U.S. chief of mission in Burma and USIP adviser, discusses the significance of President Obama’s trip to Burma. This trip aims to show strong U.S. support and encouragement for the dramatic democratic reform process that has been underway in Burma over the past 18 months. 

Type: Analysis

Peacebuilding Efforts of Women from Afghanistan and Iraq: Lessons in Transition

Peacebuilding Efforts of Women from Afghanistan and Iraq: Lessons in Transition

Friday, November 16, 2012

Afghan and Iraqi women leaders met earlier this year to discuss how women in North African transition countries can play a role in reshaping their societies. Based on their own experiences with transition, these leaders offered advice on what to do and what pitfalls to avoid.

Type: Special Report


USIP participates in the launch of Generation Change in Egypt

USIP participates in the launch of Generation Change in Egypt

Monday, November 12, 2012

USIP, in partnership with the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and Microsoft Corporation, participated in the first chapter of Generation Change in Egypt. The Egypt chapter marks Generation Change’s 25th chapter worldwide, and the first in the Middle East. Manal Omar, director of USIP’s Iraq, Iran, and North Africa Programs, led the two-day training.

Type: Analysis

Education & Training

Traditional Authorities’ Peacemaking Role in Darfur

Traditional Authorities’ Peacemaking Role in Darfur

Thursday, November 8, 2012

As broader peace efforts have faltered, the international community has increasingly focused on the capacity of local communities in Darfur to regulate conflict in their midst. This report examines the traditional justice system in Darfur and points to challenges facing traditional authorities, as well as how the system has adapted and evolved during the years of violent conflict.

Type: Peaceworks

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

USIP Experts Brief NATO Defense College Senior Course

Thursday, November 8, 2012

USIP hosted 67 senior military officers from 27 countries on November 6, 2012, as part of a visit to Washington by the NATO Defense College (NDC) Senior Course. Based on the value of the NDC visit to the Institute in May 2012, the course elected to return to USIP as part of their Transatlantic Field Study program.

Type: Analysis

Global Policy