The U.S. Contribution to Conflict Prevention, Management, and Resolution in Africa

The U.S. Contribution to Conflict Prevention, Management, and Resolution in Africa

Thursday, December 1, 1994

The failure of the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Somalia (UNOSOM II) to build a new state in that war-ravaged country, after the costly U.S. military intervention is often viewed as a critical lesson about the problems associated with the international community's attempts to resolve conflict in Africa.  Thus, when genocidal strife erupted in Rwanda in 1994, causing millions of Rwandans to flee into neighboring countries, there was a strong reluctance to allow U.S. forces to become e...

Type: Special Report

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

The North Korean Nuclear Challenge: The Post–Kim Il Sung Phase Begins

The North Korean Nuclear Challenge: The Post–Kim Il Sung Phase Begins

Thursday, December 1, 1994

The situation on the Korean Peninsula reached a possible turning point on July 8, 1994, with the death of North Korea's eighty-two year-old president, Kim Il Sung. The passing of the North's founder and only leader of the Communist State had been predicted for years as an event that could open new possibilities for dramatic change on the Korean Peninsula.  The United States, South Korea, and North Korea's other neighbors face significant challenges in determining policy adjustments that might...

Type: Special Report

Global Policy

The Emergence of Russian Foreign Policy

The Emergence of Russian Foreign Policy

Thursday, December 1, 1994

The emergence of a new Russia--a post-communist European state with a vast store of nuclear arms--raises many complex questions. What kind of foreign and defense policies will Russian pursue into the 21st century? What will be the impact of the loss of the former empire? And what are the implications for western policymakers?  

Type: Book

Somalia - The Missed Opportunities

Somalia - The Missed Opportunities

Saturday, October 1, 1994

By 1992, starvation, disease, and death had engulfed Somalia and its people. Plagued by the violence of civil war, Somalia had become a country with few resources and great despair—electricity, communications, transportation, health services, and food were all in short supply.  

Type: Book

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

War in the Caucasus: A Proposal for Settlement of the Conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh

War in the Caucasus: A Proposal for Settlement of the Conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh

Monday, August 1, 1994

The conflict between ethnic Armenians and ethnic Azerbaijanis over the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh has produced thousands of casualties, over one million refugees and displaced persons, and considerable physical damage. Up to now, all attempts to arrange a sustainable ceasefire have failed. The following proposal, by Ambassador John J. Maresca, former special U.S. negotiator for Nagorno-Karabakh, outlines a political settlement of the conflict, with the aim of providing a new impetus to the n...

Type: Special Report

Conflict Analysis & PreventionMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

North Korea's Nuclear Program

Friday, July 1, 1994

In a public atmosphere of heightening confrontation over North Korea's nuclear program, the United States Institute of Peace conducted· an intensive five-month review of Pyongyang's proliferation activities. Our objectives have been to help clarify public understanding of a complex issue with serious security concerns for the U.S. and key allies, and to assess negotiating strategies for dealing with the North Korean challenge.

Type: Special Report

Sudan: Ending the War, Moving Talks Forward

Sudan: Ending the War, Moving Talks Forward

Sunday, May 15, 1994

Civil war has plagued Sudan off and on since decolonization began in 1955. Between 1955 and 1972, war raged between the predominantly Arab and Islamic north and the Christian and animist south over southern claims for autonomy and self-rule. The war ended with the Addis Ababa agreement, which granted local autonomy to the south.  Currently there are deep disagreements in the north between the Islamist government and opposition parties (e.g., the Umma Party and the Democratic Unionist Party) o...

Type: Special Report