
Democratic Republic of Congo Web Links

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Below are links by topical categories to resources primarily in English providing information generally on conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo. For related web links, see Regional Resources: Africa. For more USIP resources see Congo, Democratic Republic of. General Resources Government Agencies and International Organizations Maps and Guides Media and News Sources Peace Agreements and Political Resources These links complement USIP Special Reports: Putti...

Type: Article

Who Are the Insurgents? Sunni Arab Rebels in Iraq

Who Are the Insurgents? Sunni Arab Rebels in Iraq

Friday, May 13, 2005

"Who Are the Insurgents?" offers insight into the breadth of Sunni Arab groups actively participating in the insurrection in Iraq and specifically examines the three broad categories of insurgents: secular/ideological, tribal, and Islamist. With the exception of the ultraradical Salafi and Wahhabi Islamists, this report finds, many rebels across these three classifications share common interests and do not sit so comfortably in any one grouping or category.

Type: Special Report


Political Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Need for a New Research and Diplomatic Agenda

Political Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Need for a New Research and Diplomatic Agenda

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Summary An understanding of the multifaceted nature of political Islam on the African subcontinent is a precondition for the formulation of an effective U.S. policy toward the region. Such a formulation would place political Islam in a historical and contemporary context. In East Africa, discrimination against Muslims—which began in colonial mission schools and continued in education and employment following independence—played an important role in the development of political Islam...

Type: Special Report


The Coalition Provisional Authority's Experience with Governance in Iraq: Lessons Identified

The Coalition Provisional Authority's Experience with Governance in Iraq: Lessons Identified

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

This report is a product of the United States Institute of Peace's Iraq Experience Project. It is the third of three reports examining important lessons identified in Iraq prior to the country's transition to sovereignty in June 2004 and is based on extensive interviews with 113 U.S. officials, soldiers, and contractors who served there.  This report is focused specifically on governance in Iraq under the Coalition Provisional Authority.

Type: Special Report

2004-2005 Winning Essay

Thursday, May 5, 2005

National First Place Winner Jessica Perrigan Duchesne Academy Omaha, Nebraska Coordinator: Ms. Virgie Oatman Fukuzawa Yukichi, the foremost proponent of modern education in Japan, expressed an essential truth of civilization when he said “schools, industries, armies and navies are the mere external forms of civilization. They are not difficult to produce. All that is needed is the money to pay for them. Yet there remains something immaterial, something that cannot be seen or heard, bough...

Promoting Middle East Democracy II: Arab Initiatives (Arabic Edition)

Sunday, May 1, 2005

Summary The 9/11 attacks shattered the conventional wisdom that the Middle East’s stability— anchored by the region’s authoritarian governments—could endure indefinitely and would come at little cost to U.S. interests. Energized by external calls for democratic change, numerous elements in the region—nongovernmental, government, and multilateral—have generated reform initiatives.