A New Approach to Peace in Sudan: Report on a USIP Consultation

A New Approach to Peace in Sudan: Report on a USIP Consultation

Thursday, February 25, 1999

Summary It is time to rethink a peace strategy to end the civil war in Sudan. Although the peace initiative launched by the Inter-Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD) in 1993 showed some initially promising results, the military situation is now stalemated, famine has plagued large sections of the South, and the IGAD mediation process has brought no recent results. The consultation concluded that: The IGAD process needs to remain the vehicle for mediation and negotiatio...

Type: Special Report

Thinking Out Loud: Policies Toward Iraq

Thinking Out Loud: Policies Toward Iraq

Wednesday, February 17, 1999

In the face of persistent crises between Iraq and the international community over Iraq's failure to comply with international agreements governing its chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons development programs, the United States Institute of Peace convened a study group to understand better what options exist to deal with the threats that Iraq poses.

Type: Special Report

Peace Agreements: Chiapas (Mexico)

Tuesday, February 16, 1999

San Andrés Larráinzar Agreements Agreement (02-16-1996) Posted by USIP Library on: February 16, 1999 Source Name: Mexico, Ministry of the Interior Source URL: Date downloaded: February 12, 1999 Joint declaration that the federal government and the EZLN shall submit to national debating and decision-making bodies (Document 1) (02-16-1996) Posted by USIP Library on: ...

Type: Report

Peace Agreements: Ecuador-Peru

Wednesday, February 3, 1999

Ecuador-Peru Border Agreement in Spanish (10-26-1998) Posted by USIP Library on: February 3, 1998 Source Name: The Embassy of Ecuador, Washington, D.C. Date E-mailed: January 29, 1999 Rio Protocol (1-29-1942) Posted by USIP Library on: December 18, 1998 Source Name: International Boundary Studies, no. 172 Ecuador-Peru. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, May 19, 1990. Date faxed: November 18,, 1998 from the World Ban...

Type: Report

Southern Mexico: Counterinsurgency and Electoral Politics

Southern Mexico: Counterinsurgency and Electoral Politics

Wednesday, January 27, 1999

Summary... Current rebellions in southern Mexico represent clear challenges to the power of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which has dominated Mexican politics since 1929 and spring from citizen outrage at the abuse of power by the PRI, particularly at the local level. The current government's strategy has combined conciliatory gestures with military counterinsurgency operations and dialogue in attempts to buy support through generous public works projects, with l...

Type: Special Report

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Montenegro—And More—At Risk

Montenegro—And More—At Risk

Monday, January 11, 1999

Summary The threat of an attack on Montenegro by President Slobodan Milosevic's regime is increasingly likely and may take any form ranging from an indirect "constitutional" coup to a more direct attempt to enlist pro-Milosevic forces in Montenegro in acts of violence against the democratic regime. Although Montenegro remains a politically divided society, it is making great strides toward establishing inclusive political and social institutions.

Type: Special Report

The Genocide Convention at Fifty

The Genocide Convention at Fifty

Thursday, January 7, 1999

Summary On September 2, 1998, the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda issued its first conviction for genocide, condemning a Rwandan mayor, Jean-Paul Akayesu, for directing and inciting local mobs to the rape and murder of innocent Tutsi victims. The tribunal's companion, which deals with war crimes committed in the former Yugoslavia, is currently proceeding with its first indictment for genocide. In October 1998, a Spanish prosecutor sought the extradition of General Augusto Pinoch...

Type: Special Report

The Quest for Democratic Security: The Role of the Council of Europe and U.S. Foreign Policy

The Quest for Democratic Security: The Role of the Council of Europe and U.S. Foreign Policy

Friday, January 1, 1999

The role of non-military organizations in the European security architecture has been greatly enhanced in the post–Cold War era. Although NATO can protect its members through the force of arms, security involves much more than military might—it has crucial social, political, and economic components that are of heightened relevance in today's world.

Type: Peaceworks

NATO Transformed

NATO Transformed

Friday, January 1, 1999

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, perhaps more than any other Cold War institution, embodied the West’s determination to deter potential Soviet aggression in Europe. But nearly a decade after the collapse of the Soviet empire, the Atlantic Alliance is engaged in cooperative security endeavors with former adversaries throughout Europe, including peacekeeping operations in Bosnia.  

Type: Book

Bosnia Report Card: Pass, Fail, or Incomplete?

Bosnia Report Card: Pass, Fail, or Incomplete?

Friday, December 11, 1998

Throughout 1998 the United States Institute of Peace hosted a series of meetings of its Balkans Working Group to evaluate the implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords.

Type: Special Report