Nancy Lindborg Discusses the Rohingya Crisis in Burma

Nancy Lindborg Discusses the Rohingya Crisis in Burma

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Having just returned from Burma talks about the USIP delegation she led to Burma, and the complexities facing the country. What can we expect from a nation contending with 22 ethnic armed gr

Type: Podcast

Nancy Lindborg on Negotiations with North Korea

Nancy Lindborg on Negotiations with North Korea

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

USIP President Nancy Lindborg tells us about the challenges presented by North Korea’s nuclear capabilities, and discusses her own experiences travelling to North Korea.

Type: Podcast

Jonas Claes on Liberia and Kenya’s Elections

Jonas Claes on Liberia and Kenya’s Elections

Friday, October 13, 2017

Jonas Claes joins us to talk about Liberia’s election and the significance of the country's first peaceful transfer of power since 1944. Claes also lays out the challenges for the Kenyan election

Type: Podcast

Ambassador Derek Mitchell on Myanmar

Ambassador Derek Mitchell on Myanmar

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Derek Mitchell talks to us about the current humanitarian crisis in Myanmar, and addresses the international and domestic constituencies that Aung San Suu Kyi must navigate as the crisis continues.

Type: Podcast

Conflict Management Training for Peacekeepers (French)

Conflict Management Training for Peacekeepers (French)

Friday, February 23, 2018

Ce rapport examine le rôle de la Formation à la gestion des conflits dans la préparation des soldats de la paix aux missions des Nations Unies/de l’Union africaine, à travers une évaluation du programme de Formation à la gestion des conflits pour les soldats de la paix proposée par l’USIP. L’évaluation s’appuie sur des données collectées au travers de 137 entretiens semi-structurés avec des soldats de la paix formés par l’USIP et rentrés au pays, des membres de la communauté dans les zones où des soldats de la paix ont été déployés en mission, et des formateurs de pré-déploiement. Le rapport étudie les résultats de l’évaluation et propose des recommandations non seulement pour la formation de l’USIP à l’intention des soldats de la paix mais aussi pour élargir la portée des politiques et des pratiques en matière de maintien de la paix.

Type: Special Report

Conflict Analysis & PreventionEducation & Training

Nancy Lindborg on the State of Play in Iraq

Nancy Lindborg on the State of Play in Iraq

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Just days after returning from Iraq, Nancy Lindborg shares her impression of the improved landscape in Iraq after ISIS’ brutal occupation. Lindborg describes the unifying sense of Iraqi pride following ISIS’s ouster, but she cautions that if the government fails to become more inclusive and accountable, Iraq could fall back into a highly sectarian environment.

Type: Podcast

Conflict Analysis & PreventionDemocracy & Governance