
Negotiating with Iran: Questions and Answers

Contact: Meaghan Pierannunzi, USIP Press 202-429-4736; 1. Why should the United States bother thinking about Iranian-American negotiations, when, for the last three decades, the two countries’ dealings, whether open or secret, direct or indirect, have been mired in futility? The United States and Iran should be talking because both sides will find significant common interests in so doing. Talking to Iran, hard and disagreeable as it might be, is likely to be more...

Type: Analysis

On the Issues: Commemorating the U.S. Embassy Seizure, Thirty Years Later

Monday, November 2, 2009

On Wednesday, Iran will hold a parade and demonstration to mark the 30th anniversary of the U.S. embassy seizure. The opposition is now mobilizing followers to turn the commemoration into a mass protest. Robin Wright, a Jennings Randolph fellow at the U.S. Institute of Peace and author of four books on Iran, covered the revolution and the hostage drama.

Type: Analysis

Roy Gutman on Afghanistan

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Former USIP fellow Roy Gutman, author of "How We Missed the Story," details how past missteps in Afghanistan can help the U.S. formulate a better strategy for the future. 

Type: Analysis


On the Issues: Darfur

Monday, March 1, 2010

The seven-year conflict in Darfur, Sudan has claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Darfuris and left millions homeless, amid clashes among various rebel groups, government forces and allied militias. In what could be a step towards ending that conflict, the Sudanese government and the Darfuri rebel group, Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), signed a cease-fire agreement on February 23, 2010.

Type: Analysis

American Negotiating Behavior: Questions and Answers

Contact: Meaghan Pierannunzi, USIP Press 202-429-4736; 1. What is the Cross-Cultural Negotiation project and series? In the early 1990s, the United States Institute of Peace initiated a series of conceptual and country-specific assessments on the theme of cross-cultural negotiating (CCN) behavior. In addition to the present volume, twelve book-length studies have since been published. Three of these are conceptual studies (Negotiating across Cultures; Culture and ...

Type: Analysis

On the Issues: Nigeria

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Longstanding religious and political tensions in Nigeria erupted into bloodshed this month, marking the latest in a series of clashes between Muslims and Christians that have claimed the lives of hundreds of people this year. USIP’s David Smock answers some questions related to the recent developments in Nigeria and its stability.

Type: Analysis


On the Issues: Iraq Elections

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

USIP’s Manal Omar discusses the latest on the Iraq elections, and what they suggest about Iraq’s future and relations with the United States going forward.

Type: Analysis


The Role of Development Aid in the Afghanistan Campaign

Monday, March 29, 2010

On March 11, 2010 USIP's Chief of Party in Afghanistan Shahmahmood Miakhel gave a speech at the Wilton Park Conference 1022 "Winning 'Hearts and Minds' in Afghanistan: Assessing the Effectiveness of Development Aid in COIN (Counter Insurgency) Operations." His speech was entitled "The Role of Development Aid in the Afghanistan Campaign."

Type: Analysis