Blogs and Bullets II: New Media and Conflict after the Arab Spring

Blogs and Bullets II: New Media and Conflict after the Arab Spring

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Based on Twitter and Facebook data gathered during the 2011 Arab revolutions, the authors of this Peaceworks report find that new media informed international audiences and mainstream media reporting, but they find less evidence that it played a direct role in organizing protests or allowing local audiences to share self-generated news directly with one another.

Type: Peaceworks

USIP’S Specialists on South Sudan

USIP’S Specialists on South Sudan

Friday, July 6, 2012

South Sudan celebrates the first anniversary of its formal independence and nationhood on July 9. Though hopes for progress remain high, the young nation is struggling on several fronts—internal security, relations with Sudan, development, rule of law and statebuilding. The specialists at the U.S. Institute of Peace who work on conflict management and peacebuilding programs in South Sudan examine the gains made and the many challenges ahead.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Burma Dialogue Involving USIP, Partners to Continue

Burma Dialogue Involving USIP, Partners to Continue

Friday, July 6, 2012

As part of an ongoing Track II-style dialogue, the Asia Society and USIP co-hosted a roundtable in late June that brought together representatives of the Myanmar Development Resources Institute (MDRI), senior advisers to Burmese president Thein Sein, and U.S. experts to discuss the political transition away from authoritarianism in Burma.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Avoiding Meeting Fatigue

Avoiding Meeting Fatigue

Monday, July 2, 2012

This paper is based on the author's participation in and involvement with the preparations for many of the high-profile international meetings on Afghanistan over the past 10-plus years and reflects his concerns about their shortcomings and the excessive expectations typically associated with them.

Type: Peace Brief

Roundtable on Technology, Science, and Peacebuilding

Roundtable on Technology, Science, and Peacebuilding

The National Academy of Engineering and the U.S. Institute of Peace have established a Roundtable on Technology, Science and Peacebuilding to use science and technology to make a measurable and positive impact on conflict management, peacebuilding, and security capabilities.