Immunity Cannot Allow Impunity

Immunity Cannot Allow Impunity

Monday, August 4, 2014

African leaders want to exempt themselves from prosecution for terrible crimes -- but new research shows their people aren't as forgiving as they might think. 

Type: Analysis

Holding It Together

Holding It Together

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Ending conflict demands more than knowing why countries go to pieces -- it calls for knowing why they don't.

Type: Analysis

How to Gauge Africa Summit Success? Updated, Realistic Perceptions

How to Gauge Africa Summit Success? Updated, Realistic Perceptions

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

President Barack Obama’s U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit will be a success to the extent that it updates the perception of Africa’s economic, political and social potential without underestimating the remaining problems of violence, dictatorship and corruption, according to two former assistant secretaries of state for African Affairs.  

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionEnvironmentEconomics

The Crowd Who Would Be King

The Crowd Who Would Be King

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Technology is connecting people all over the world, giving them new power and a stronger voice. But is it making government any better?

Type: Analysis

Q&A: The Future of Justice for Women in Afghanistan

Q&A: The Future of Justice for Women in Afghanistan

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The risk of backsliding in the status of women in Afghanistan after 12 years of significant strides is one of the biggest question marks surrounding the country's prospects amid the drawdown of the U.S.-led military coalition. Tim Luccaro, who has worked on traditional dispute resolution, women's access to justice and nonviolent conflict resolution in Afghanistan since 2010, considers what steps will be needed to secure the gains that have been made.

Type: Analysis

GenderJustice, Security & Rule of Law

U.S. Defense Budget Cuts Must Be Eased to Lower Risk, Panel Says

U.S. Defense Budget Cuts Must Be Eased to Lower Risk, Panel Says

Thursday, September 11, 2014

U.S. defense budget cuts must be eased to lessen the risk for the military’s ability to respond to crises in an era of nearly unprecedented volatility and complexity around the globe, former Under Secretary of Defense Michèle Flournoy and retired Army Lieutenant General Michael Maples said in a recent discussion at the U.S. Institute of Peace. Their urgent warnings amplified the findings of a congressionally mandated assessment of the Pentagon’s central four-year plan, the 2014 Quadrennial De...

Type: Analysis