
Timor-Leste: Rebuilding Again?

Monday, July 17, 2006

Faced with its worst crisis since gaining independence in 1999, the new nation of Timor-Leste is once again the subject of upcoming UN Security Council resolutions that call for the reintroduction of peacekeeping forces and international police.

Type: Peace Brief

Haiti's Economic Challenge

Monday, July 17, 2006

Haiti's new government faces an enormous economic challenge. Since a brief spike in the 1970's, Haiti's economy has experienced a steady decline as a result of rapacious government policies and, possibly well intentioned, but destructive international sanctions.

Type: Peace Brief


Policing Iraq: Protecting Iraqis from Criminal Violence

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Reducing criminal violence would advance stability in Iraq, increase popular support for Iraq's new government, and improve police-community relations. This can best be done through an effective program of U.S.-supported institutional development.

Type: Peace Brief

Balkans Progress: Who Stands in the Way?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Daniel Serwer testified before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe: Hearing on Human Rights, Democracy and Integration in South-Central Europe on the current situation in Bosnia, Serbia, and Kosovo, and on why none has established a firm foundation for peace after years of conflict.