Whither Islam in Afghanistan’s Political System After the Taliban Talks?

Whither Islam in Afghanistan’s Political System After the Taliban Talks?

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The question of how and where Islam should fit into future legal and political frameworks has emerged as a major sticking point in the talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government in Qatar. How this question is resolved will be closely watched by Afghans, who want to ensure their hard-won rights are not sacrificed for the sake of a deal with the Taliban—Afghan women in particular have much at stake. The international community will similarly scrutinize the outcome, and their engagement with Afghanistan after the talks is expected to be conditioned on the contours of any political settlement.

Type: Analysis

ReligionPeace Processes

One Vital Change Can Advance Long-Term Peace in Ukraine

One Vital Change Can Advance Long-Term Peace in Ukraine

Thursday, July 20, 2023

While NATO’s recent summit consolidated the transatlantic consensus that a peaceful Europe requires a democratic and inclusive Ukraine, Ukrainians’ heroic struggle for that democracy must overcome old corruptions, plus new traumas inflicted by Vladimir Putin’s war. A pillar of any democracy is civil society — the constellation of citizens’ groups that, more than government, can understand and heal domestic conflicts. So as international partners support Ukraine’s rebuilding from war, we must urgently engage its vibrant civil society — not as a mere adjunct to government efforts, but as a primary designer and engine of the political and cultural changes that peace will require.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & GovernanceGlobal Policy

Four Thoughts on Advancing Religious Engagement in Diplomacy and Development

Four Thoughts on Advancing Religious Engagement in Diplomacy and Development

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

After nearly 20 years and across three successive U.S. administrations, it is clear that a bipartisan consensus exists among senior foreign affairs leadership that engaging religious actors to advance key American diplomatic, national security, and development objectives needs to be a priority. With some 84 percent of the world’s population expressing a faith affiliation, the role of religion as a social force around the world—and one that figures centrally in many peacebuilding contexts—cannot be ignored in our foreign relations.

Type: Analysis


The U.S. Strategy for International Religious Engagement: 10 Years On

The U.S. Strategy for International Religious Engagement: 10 Years On

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

In 2013, the United States adopted its first ever “National Strategy on Integrating Religious Leader and Faith Community Engagement into U.S. Foreign Policy.” This White House strategy acknowledged the significant contributions of religious leaders and faith communities to human rights, global health and development, and conflict mitigation; and provided an interagency blueprint for integrating more robust engagement with religious actors across a broad range of foreign policy and national security issues. A decade later religious engagement remains a vital but underdeveloped capacity in U.S. foreign policy, and the strategy’s 10th anniversary offers a natural opportunity to revitalize strategic thinking and spur new action on this agenda.

Type: Analysis


A Ripe Moment for Building Peace by Promoting International Religious Freedom

A Ripe Moment for Building Peace by Promoting International Religious Freedom

Monday, June 27, 2022

In late June and early July, two global convenings will highlight challenges to international religious freedom and the search for solutions: the IRF Summit for nongovernmental organizations and the International Ministerial Conference on Freedom of Religion or Belief. These timely gatherings will bring together government representatives, activists and faith leaders from different religious, regional and political backgrounds to discuss a common goal of ending persecution. Two keys for their success will be creating diverse coalitions to advance international religious freedom (IRF) in a nonpartisan manner and linking the issue to broader concerns about peace and stability. 

Type: Analysis

Human RightsReligion

Finding Common Ground on U.S. International Religious Freedom Policy

Finding Common Ground on U.S. International Religious Freedom Policy

Thursday, May 20, 2021

On May 12, Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued the Biden administration’s first annual religious freedom report. It was accompanied by a strong speech, highlighting the importance of the issue and singling out countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia and Nigeria, among others, for their particularly severe violations. The secretary also made a point to establish that the Biden administration’s approach emphasizes that the right to religious freedom is one component of an integrated human rights agenda. This stands in contrast to others who view religious freedom to be of unique importance and deserving of singular attention. 

Type: Analysis

ReligionHuman Rights

Common Ground on International Religious Freedom Enhances U.S. National Security

Common Ground on International Religious Freedom Enhances U.S. National Security

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Religious freedom, like other human rights, is strongly correlated with political stability — and repression of religion or belief can serve as a major driver of conflict and violence. Around the world today, we see discrimination against or targeting of religious minorities associated with rising social tensions, intercommunal strife, violence and even mass atrocities. Muslims in India, Rohingya in Myanmar, Uyghurs in China, Yazidis in Iraq, and Christians in Pakistan: all are subject to forms of violence that have corollary effects on broader prospects for peace and stability in their respective contexts.

Type: Analysis


What’s Next for the U.N.’s Doha Process on Afghanistan?

What’s Next for the U.N.’s Doha Process on Afghanistan?

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

At the end of June, envoys and representatives from more than 25 countries and international organizations gathered in Doha, Qatar, along with representatives from the Taliban under an U.N.-facilitated framework. This meeting was the third of its kind, widely referred to as “Doha 3,” and part of a process to establish a more coordinated and coherent global approach to Afghanistan’s challenges and the Taliban’s rule.

Type: Analysis

Global Policy

Comment Rompre le Cycle des Élections Faibles en Haïti

Comment Rompre le Cycle des Élections Faibles en Haïti

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Le nouveau Conseil de Transition Présidentielle d’Haïti et le Premier ministre ont beaucoup à faire alors qu’ils tentent de reprendre la sécurité du pays des gangs armés tout en répondant à la crise humanitaire en cours. Ils doivent également se concentrer sur la conduite du pays vers des élections devant avoir lieu d'ici février 2026. Étant donné les élections faibles et controversées que Haïti a endurées lors des cycles récents, le nouveau gouvernement et ses soutiens internationaux devront se concentrer sur la création de conditions pour une élection viable qui marquera la période à venir de restauration sociale et politique.

Type: Analysis

Global Elections & Conflict

How to Break the Cycle of Weak Elections in Haiti

How to Break the Cycle of Weak Elections in Haiti

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Haiti’s new Presidential Transition Council and the prime minister have a lot to do as they try to take back the country’s security from armed gangs while addressing the ongoing humanitarian crisis. They must also focus on leading the country to elections mandated to take place by February 2026. Given the weak and controversial elections Haiti has endured in recent cycles, the new government and its international supporters will need to focus on creating conditions for a viable election that will crown the upcoming period of social and political restoration.

Type: Analysis

Global Elections & Conflict