Engaging Religion and Religious Actors in Countering Violent Extremism

Engaging Religion and Religious Actors in Countering Violent Extremism

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

By more fully understanding the role of religion in violent extremism and adopting a broad-based and inclusive approach to engaging religious actors, policymakers and practitioners can better advance countering violent extremism objectives. In this report, a former senior policy adviser and a USIP senior specialist explore the nexus of religion and violent extremism.

Type: Special Report

ReligionViolent Extremism

How Putin Turned Religion’s ‘Sharp Power’ Against Ukraine

How Putin Turned Religion’s ‘Sharp Power’ Against Ukraine

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Long before Russia positioned military forces along Ukraine’s border or menaced its neighbor with cyber-attacks and economic pressure, Moscow deployed another, under-appreciated weapon increasingly used by rising global powers: the transformation of religious soft power into what is known among some scholars of authoritarianism as “sharp power.” 

Type: Analysis

ReligionConflict Analysis & Prevention

The Role of Religion in Russia’s War on Ukraine

The Role of Religion in Russia’s War on Ukraine

Thursday, March 17, 2022

On March 6, Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill stood to deliver the sermon that traditionally ushers in the beginning of the Orthodox Lent. However, the most notable theme of his sermon had little to do with the annual period of Christian fasting. Instead, the patriarch chose to address a subject at the forefront of everyone’s minds: the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionReligion

How to Break the Cycle of Weak Elections in Haiti

How to Break the Cycle of Weak Elections in Haiti

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Haiti’s new Presidential Transition Council and the prime minister have a lot to do as they try to take back the country’s security from armed gangs while addressing the ongoing humanitarian crisis. They must also focus on leading the country to elections mandated to take place by February 2026. Given the weak and controversial elections Haiti has endured in recent cycles, the new government and its international supporters will need to focus on creating conditions for a viable election that will crown the upcoming period of social and political restoration.

Type: Analysis

Global Elections & Conflict

Comment Rompre le Cycle des Élections Faibles en Haïti

Comment Rompre le Cycle des Élections Faibles en Haïti

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Le nouveau Conseil de Transition Présidentielle d’Haïti et le Premier ministre ont beaucoup à faire alors qu’ils tentent de reprendre la sécurité du pays des gangs armés tout en répondant à la crise humanitaire en cours. Ils doivent également se concentrer sur la conduite du pays vers des élections devant avoir lieu d'ici février 2026. Étant donné les élections faibles et controversées que Haïti a endurées lors des cycles récents, le nouveau gouvernement et ses soutiens internationaux devront se concentrer sur la création de conditions pour une élection viable qui marquera la période à venir de restauration sociale et politique.

Type: Analysis

Global Elections & Conflict