Relief, Reconciliation, and Reconstruction in Somalia: Views of Prominent Somalis

Relief, Reconciliation, and Reconstruction in Somalia: Views of Prominent Somalis

Friday, January 1, 1993

The purpose of the meeting was to see if this diverse gathering of Somali professionals could develop consensusre commendations about how to promote more effective relief efforts in Somalia and how to advance toward political reconciliation and reconstruction  Given their divergent perspectives, the group was able to achieve an impressive degree of consensus on key points. The purpose of this report is to summarize these points of consensus.

Type: Special Report

North Korea's Nuclear Program

Friday, July 1, 1994

In a public atmosphere of heightening confrontation over North Korea's nuclear program, the United States Institute of Peace conducted· an intensive five-month review of Pyongyang's proliferation activities. Our objectives have been to help clarify public understanding of a complex issue with serious security concerns for the U.S. and key allies, and to assess negotiating strategies for dealing with the North Korean challenge.

Type: Special Report

The Afghan Elections

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Alex Thier, director of Afghanistan and Pakistan programs, testified on November 19, 2009 before the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs on how to move forward in Afghanistan and work with President Karzai.

Type: Congressional Testimony

What Role for the United Nations in Haiti?

What Role for the United Nations in Haiti?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Overview On October 13, 2009, the United Nations Security Council unanimously approved a one-year extension of the mandate for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). The sixth mission since 1995, MINUSTAH was first authorized in 2004. A new USIP report, "What Role for the United Nations in Haiti," details the recent progress made by the U.N. mission and international community. Author Bob Maguire explains the importance of maintaining a U.N. presence there and how to...

Type: Peace Brief

Guiding Principles for Stabilization and Reconstruction (The Web Version)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The web version of the Guiding Principles for Stabilization and Reconstruction (S&R) allows readers to experience the fully interconnected nature of S&R missions. Readers can search the text of the manual while also linking quickly from one section to another to access Linkages, Trade-offs, Gaps, Challenges, Resources and other points of connection. The manual presents the first strategic “doctrine” ever produced for civilians engaged in peacebuilding missions. It is a practical ro...

Type: Book

A Long Exit from Afghanistan

Monday, December 7, 2009

Brumberg discusses Afghanistan in his "On Faith" blog for the Washington Post.

Iran's Green Movement

Iran's Green Movement

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

On December 15, 2009, senior fellow Robin Wright testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs on the effectiveness of sanctions against Iran. On the same day, USIP Fellow George Lopez testified on the likely impact additional sanctions could have inside Iran and what tools the U.S. should use to best achieve its goals.

Type: Congressional Testimony