
Voices from Kosovo

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Eleven years ago, Kosovo was a war zone on the world’s front pages, an ethnic and nationalistic cauldron in which both national and international laws seemed an utter irrelevance.  When the guns at last fell silent, Colette Rausch worked for several years in Kosovo as part of the international community’s attempt to construct the rule of law amid the rubble.  Last fall, she returned to find out whether, from the perspective of the people of Kosovo, the international community's efforts had be...

Type: In the Field


Youth and Students Work to Promote Security and Rule of Law in Nepal

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

USIP has been working in Nepal since 2006 to strengthen security and the rule of law through dialogue.  As part of programming funded by the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) and USIP, USIP brought together members of youth groups, political parties, civil society and the Nepal Police in December 2009 for a dialogue session in the volatile city of Biratnagar.  USIP national project adviser Shobhakar Budhathoki reports on the outcome.

Type: In the Field

Mediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Navigating Liberia's Justice Landscape

Friday, January 22, 2010

In December 2009, Deborah Isser and Tim Luccaro traveled to Monrovia, Liberia to present the findings of the recent USIP Peaceworks, "Looking for Justice: Liberian Experiences with and Perceptions of Local Justice Options," to senior government officials, and to facilitate a meeting between Liberia's Legal Working Group and the nation's traditional leaders.

Type: In the Field

Sudan's Popular Consultation

Thursday, January 7, 2010

In December 2009, Jason Gluck accompanied a delegation of officials and civil society leaders from Sudan’s Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states to Indonesia for a five-day study tour of Indonesia’s recent experiences with secession and negotiated local autonomy. The lessons the Sudanese brought home will prove invaluable in the coming months as they design and implement their own process of self-determination.  

Type: In the Field

Peace Media in Iraq: Building a New Community for Peace

Thursday, January 7, 2010

On August 3-4, USIP’s Center of Innovation for Media, Conflict and Peacebuilding conducted a two-day youth summit in Erbil as part of the "Peace Media for Iraqi Youth" project. USIP, along with four local NGOs, brought together 30 Iraqi youth (ages 14-18) from across the country to participate in activities aimed at supporting a new and growing community of young Iraqis committed to peacebuilding.  

Type: In the Field

USIP Trains the Youth Members of Pakistan’s Political Parties and the Pakistani Youth Parliament to Resolve Conflicts Peacefully

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

On December 16th, at the request of the Pakistani Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (PILDAT), ETC/I Senior Program Officer Nina Sughrue conducted a one-day conflict management session for 18 Pakistani parliamentarians, eight members of the parliamentary staff, 17 representatives of the political parties’ youth wings, nine members of the youth parliament, 10 members of the press, and six politically active civil society leaders in Islamabad. 

Type: In the Field

Education & Training

In the Field: Notes from Nicaragua

Monday, December 14, 2009

USIP reports from Nicaragua on how people continue to struggle with the civil war of the 1980s.

Type: In the Field