
USIP Traditional Justice Workshop for General McChrystal, ISAF in Afghanistan

Friday, November 27, 2009

At the request of International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Commander General Stanley A. McChrystal, USIP led a half-day workshop on November 27 for nearly 60 ISAF commanders and soldiers on traditional justice in Afghanistan.  Representatives from foreign embassies and the United Nations also participated.  In his opening remarks to the event, General McChrystal thanked USIP for its rule of law work in Afghanistan, saying that improving access to fair justice in the country is a key ing...

Type: In the Field

A Typical Day in Baghdad

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Since 2004, USIP has maintained a permanent field mission in Iraq, with an outstanding Iraqi and American staff who provide essential on-the-ground support to USIP's programs. Caelan McGee has been working as a Conflict Mediator out of the Baghdad Office.

Type: In the Field

Enhancing Traditional Local Conflict Resolution Techniques in Afghanistan

Monday, November 9, 2009

Promoting non-violent resolution of conflict at all local levels will be essential to bringing, and sustaining, peace and stability to Afghanistan.  In Afghanistan's recent history, the most effective agents in advancing peace and security at the local level have been indigenous structures such as shura and jirga councils, as well as Maliks.

Type: In the Field

Education & Training

Developing Peace and Human Rights Educators in Iraq

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

USIP's Maria Jessop-Mandel writes about the Institute's recent human rights workshop, "Putting Human Rights Values into Action," for Iraqi professors held in Beirut, Lebanon. The program explored three human rights-related themes specific to the Iraqi context -- children’s rights, women's equality and academic freedom -- and ways these professors could more effectively teach human rights in their classrooms, and ultimately learn from each other's experiences.

Type: In the Field

Education & TrainingReligionGender