The Conflict and Stabilization Monitoring Framework (CSMF) is a data collection tool directly from Iraq’s conflict-affected communities using over 100 indicators tied to core conflict and stabilization themes: governance; reconciliation and justice; social cohesion and wellbeing; rule of law; safety and security; and climate change. The CSMF establishes a robust evidence base for peacebuilding in Iraq using systemic, longitudinal data. The data provides nuanced insights that can inform efforts to mitigate violent conflict and sometimes challenges commonly held assumptions about barriers to peace.

Situated in western Iraq, bordering Syria, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, Anbar province holds strategic importance for security and was a major battleground during the conflict with ISIS. Anbar’s population is generally homogenous, with the majority of residents coming from the Sunni Arab community. Social dynamics are also based on strong tribal structures. An estimated 50% of the Iraqis displaced in Al Hol camp in Syria—which mainly houses women and children from areas liberated from ISIS—are from Anbar. Effective reintegration of Iraqis repatriated from al-Hol entails not only security vetting and rehabilitation programs but also addressing community concerns and challenges faced by returnees in order to repair the social fabric and prevent violent extremism. USIP collected one round of CSMF data in February 2024 in 11 out of the 12 districts in Anbar.

Interactive Data Dashboard*

This interactive dashboard visualizes data wave 1 which was collected in February 2024 with a total sample size of 4,166 covering 11 of  the 12 districts in Anbar (The district of Rutba was not covered due to security concerns). The visualized data shows community views on key return and reintegration issues, security, social cohesion among families with perceived ISIS affiliation and survivor families, as well as impact of climate change on conflict.

The filter on the left allows for disaggregation by four categories: district; subdistrict; gender at district level; and urban/rural classification at district level.

*Select questions from the CSMF themes are visualized. For the full data, see the “Raw Data” section below.

Technical notes:

  1. For the purpose of keeping visuals simple, the following response categories are not represented for some questions: “question not asked or skipped,” “refused to answer,” “do not know,” and “not concerned/not interested/neutral.” Please refer to the raw data excel file for this information.
  2. Slight discrepancies between the two percentages that appear in the tooltip (which appears when hovering over a visual) are due to answers not represented (see note one). The percent outside the parentheses reflects the raw data while the percent inside the parentheses reflects the percent of total answers included in the visual.

Raw Data