Civil resistance movements have and continue to shape political, social and economic change across the globe. As peacebuilders, understanding the role of nonviolent movements throughout history as well as the ones that currently exist today will help us understand one of the most effective ways of mitigating conflict nonviolently. At USIP, we believe that conflict is inevitable, but it does not have to be violent. Civil resistance and nonviolent movements are powerful examples of this. This course is for those with a keen interest in how ordinary people are transforming conflicts through nonviolent action. Those enrolled can earn a certification of participation upon completing the course.

Civil resistance takes place across the world. At a grassroots movement in Kenya, people gather in a crowd to protest human rights abuses. (Photo: Flickr/Creative Commons)
Civil resistance takes place across the world. At a grassroots movement in Kenya, people gather in a crowd to protest human rights abuses. (Photo: Flickr/Creative Commons)

Learning Objectives

  • Learn from a diverse set of activists, scholars, and practitioners through stories, research, and exercises.
  • Transform how they analyze and think about conflict – its value, mode, and outcomes.
  • Engage with a growing community of learners and experts enrolled in the course through a continuous series of live, interactive, and collaborative online events.
  • Co-Create new knowledge and insights to enhance and update the course as the field evolves.

Instructor-led Delivery

USIP’s new instructor-led format blends a self-paced curriculum with weekly live, interactive webinars. Enrolled participants will join a group of fellow learners from around the world. Each week will feature a new lesson that includes a real-world case study, a skills-building exercise, and small group discussions. A new course is offered each month and is four weeks in duration. The course is open to the public and is free of charge. Certificates of participation are awarded at the conclusion of the course.


  • Weekly Self-Paced Curriculum: Learn at your own pace and schedule through carefully curated self-guided curriculum and instructional videos.
  • Weekly Live Webinars: Every week, a USIP expert or guest lecturer will host a country case study, a facilitated exercise, and small group discussions.
  • Group-Based: Join and learn alongside other participants from around the world. 
  • Practical Case Studies: Develop skills through real-world exercises and small group discussions.
  • Certificates: Receive a certificate of participation at the conclusion of a course.

Weekly Webinar Schedule

Join USIP’s Nonviolent Action program for three weeks of live instructor-led webinars covering the following topics:

September 6, 2024 – Introduction to Nonviolent Action: Historical & Theoretical Foundations, 9:00am – 10:15am EDT

September 13, 2024 - Nonviolent Movements: Formation and Planning, 9:00am – 10:15am EDT

September 20, 2024 - Methods of Nonviolent Action, 9:00am – 10:15am EDT

Latest Publications

Kenya’s Crisis Shows the Urgency of African Poverty, Corruption, Debt

Kenya’s Crisis Shows the Urgency of African Poverty, Corruption, Debt

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Kenya’s public protests and deadly violence over proposed tax increases this week highlight some of the country’s most serious challenges: high youth unemployment, deepening poverty and the glaring gap between living conditions for the country’s elite and its urban poor. This social crisis is exacerbated by severe corruption, a stifling foreign debt and a too-violent response by Kenyan police, who have a poor record in handling large demonstrations. Steps to calm this crisis are vital to preserve Kenya’s overall stability, its role as an East African trade hub — and its capacity to serve as a leader for peace, which the United States increasing has relied upon in Africa and elsewhere.

Type: Analysis

EconomicsGlobal Policy

Toward a Durable India-Pakistan Peace: A Roadmap through Trade

Toward a Durable India-Pakistan Peace: A Roadmap through Trade

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Despite a three-year long cease-fire along their contested border, trade and civil society engagement between India and Pakistan has dwindled, exacerbating the fragility of their relationship. With recently re-elected governments now in place in both countries, there is a window of opportunity to rekindle trade to bolster their fragile peace, support economic stability in Pakistan, create large markets and high-quality jobs on both sides, and open doors for diplomatic engagement that could eventually lead to progress on more contentious issues.

Type: Analysis


¿Es la histórica elección de México una oportunidad para reiniciar la cooperación con los Estados Unidos?

¿Es la histórica elección de México una oportunidad para reiniciar la cooperación con los Estados Unidos?

Thursday, June 13, 2024

El 2 de junio, los mexicanos eligieron a la ex alcaldesa de la Ciudad de México y candidata del partido gobernante, Claudia Sheinbaum, como su próxima presidenta. Con un mandato electoral contundente, así como con una mayoría calificada en el Congreso, Sheinbaum ha prometido continuar el proyecto de la “Cuarta Transformación” de su predecesor, enfocado en reducir la pobreza, combatir la corrupción, promover la justicia social y lograr una distribución equitativa del ingreso bajo un estado fortalecido. En medio de esta mezcla de continuidad y cambio, Estados Unidos podría tener una oportunidad para reconstruir la deteriorada cooperación entre ambos países en materia de seguridad y reducción de la violencia, una de las prioridades de Sheinbaum y algo que será imposible de lograr sin una estrecha cooperación con Estados Unidos.

Type: Analysis

Democracy & GovernanceGlobal Elections & Conflict

Israel and Hezbollah Change the Rules, Test Redlines — Will it lead to War?

Israel and Hezbollah Change the Rules, Test Redlines — Will it lead to War?

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Tensions between Israel and the Lebanese Shia militia Hezbollah are at their highest point since their 2006 war. They have exchanged tit-for-tat attacks since October, displacing tens of thousands from northern Israel and southern Lebanon. But in recent weeks, both sides have escalated the violence and rhetoric. USIP’s Mona Yacoubian looks at what’s driving this escalation, what each side is trying to tell the other and the diplomatic efforts underway to lower the temperature.

Type: Question and Answer

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

How to Support Female Entrepreneurs in Afghanistan

How to Support Female Entrepreneurs in Afghanistan

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Potential areas of cooperation between the Taliban and the international community, such as private sector development and alternative livelihoods to now-banned opium poppy cultivation, will be on the agenda at a meeting of international envoys for Afghanistan hosted by the United Nations in Doha from June 30 to July 1. Discussions on women’s rights are not included, as the Taliban consider it an internal matter. This is ironic, given that the private sector is one area where the Taliban allow limited women’s participation.

Type: Analysis


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