In 2010, USIP and the Woodrow Wilson Center launched “The Iran Primer”—an original book and regularly updated website—to provide resources and education about Iran, which has been one of the thorniest foreign policy issues for the United States since 1979.

The website continues to cover Iran’s domestic politics and foreign relations, the economy, the military, its nuclear and missile programs, and U.S. policy. The project’s goal is to help develop a better understanding of the challenges Iran poses and reduce the likelihood of violent conflict. Featuring book chapters and articles by more than 80 leading experts from 20 think tanks, eight universities, and six U.S. administrations, it has become a comprehensive source for data and analysis on the Islamic Republic of Iran.

For Americans, Iran is one of the least understood countries in the world. Relations have been cut off since shortly after the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy. By 2010, the dispute over Iran’s nuclear program sparked deep debates on policy—and the possibi lity of war. But few resources offered hard information, thoughtful analysis, and historic context that could be useful for both policymakers and the public.  

About The Iran Primer

Provide objective information and analysis

The team continuously updates The Iran Primer website with new articles. Staff conduct original research and produce fresh perspectives, with outside experts also providing analysis.

Contribute to the national conversation on foreign policy issues

Staff members contribute expertise at conferences and events at home and abroad. They also provide analysis to the media and brief members of Congress and their staff, officials from the Pentagon and State Department, the intelligence community, and U.S. service academies.

Foster dialogue on the Middle East’s latest political, economic and social trends

The team builds relationships with U.S. government agencies, congressional offices, and foreign diplomats, as well as think thanks, foreign affairs analysts, economists, and youth and women’s rights activists. The program also hosts public events on the evolving trends.

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Latest Publications

Meeting the Moment: The Role of the Diaspora in Haiti’s Future

Meeting the Moment: The Role of the Diaspora in Haiti’s Future

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

In early July, Haitian Prime Minister Gary Conille made his first version to Washington, where he sought to mobilize the Haitian diaspora to be more active in restoring Haiti’s governance, security and development, as he pushed back against the “Haiti fatigue” that afflicts official Washington. Haiti’s diaspora is an important asset to multinational efforts to address the crises the country faces today and could be a critical factor in building a sustainable and prosperous future.

Type: Analysis

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Cartographie du chemin de la justice en Haïti : Leçons de la Colombie et du Guatemala

Cartographie du chemin de la justice en Haïti : Leçons de la Colombie et du Guatemala

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Le nouveau gouvernement intérimaire d'Haïti fait face à des défis immenses, mais aucun n'est aussi urgent que de briser l'emprise des gangs sur la capitale du pays, Port-au-Prince. La force seule ne suffira pas à apporter la paix, même avec l'arrivée de la mission multinationale de soutien à la sécurité dirigée par le Kenya, de taille modeste. Le pays a plutôt besoin de mécanismes créatifs et globaux impliquant toute la société — et non seulement l'ensemble du gouvernement — pour détourner les membres des gangs du crime et de la violence dans le cadre d'une stratégie globale de lutte contre les gangs.

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What’s Next for the U.N.’s Doha Process on Afghanistan?

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

At the end of June, envoys and representatives from more than 25 countries and international organizations gathered in Doha, Qatar, along with representatives from the Taliban under an U.N.-facilitated framework. This meeting was the third of its kind, widely referred to as “Doha 3,” and part of a process to establish a more coordinated and coherent global approach to Afghanistan’s challenges and the Taliban’s rule.

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Un travail ardu à venir : le gouvernement haïtien cherche à restaurer la sécurité avec le soutien international

Thursday, June 20, 2024

De nombreux Haïtiens ont exprimé une sympathie sincère et un sentiment de perte partagé lorsque des gangs ont tué un couple de missionnaires américains, Davy et Natalie Lloyd, ainsi que Jude Montis, le directeur local de l'organisation Missions en Haïti où ils travaillaient. À la suite de quelques heures confuses d'attaques et de contre-attaques entre gangs rivaux le 23 mai, les fusillades tragiques et la brûlure ultérieure des corps masculins ont rapidement fait la une des journaux nationaux aux États-Unis, en partie en raison de la notoriété du couple — Natalie Lloyd est la fille du représentant de l'État du Missouri, Ben Baker, et la famille de Davy Lloyd est éminente en Oklahoma.

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