Wartime Sexual Violence: Misconceptions, Implications, and Ways Forward

Wartime Sexual Violence: Misconceptions, Implications, and Ways Forward

Friday, February 8, 2013

Three top researchers explode myths about wartime sexual violence and conclude that rape in war is neither ubiquitous nor inevitable. Variation occurs across countries, conflicts, and armed groups. The fact that some commanders are able to prohibit sexual violence suggests that prevention is possible and interventions should be aimed at the level of armed groups

Type: Special Report


Military Intervention in Mali vs. Syria: When is the Path Rocky or Paved?

Military Intervention in Mali vs. Syria: When is the Path Rocky or Paved?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

France’s rapid intervention in Mali in early January is particularly striking when compared to the lengthy debate over international intervention in Syria, which has thus far produced only inaction. USIP’s Rachel Brandenburg explores what considerations made French intervention in Mali feasible while constraining action in Syria.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Police Transition in Afghanistan

Police Transition in Afghanistan

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Afghan National Police is a militarized force that has been trained and equipped to conduct counterinsurgency operations and not law enforcement. Before the withdrawal of NATO and U.S. forces, two years remain in which to help the ANP transform into a police service capable of enforcing the rule of law.

Type: Special Report

The Israeli-Palestinian Standoff: More Risks Emerging

The Israeli-Palestinian Standoff: More Risks Emerging

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The hobbled Palestinian economy, the weakness of the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority that governs much of the West Bank and the dormancy of the peace process together may be increasing the risk of a deterioration of the conflict and an rise in violence on the West Bank in 2013. USIP’s continuing series on “sleeper risks” takes a closer look at this potentially explosive dynamic.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & Prevention