2013 Series on Sleeper Risks

2013 Series on Sleeper Risks

Friday, February 1, 2013

The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) is engaged in a variety of peacebuilding and conflict management efforts in many of the countries where these lesser-known risks are emerging. In a series of articles, the Institute examines some of these “sleeper risks” through the analytical lens of USIP experts.

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

USIP Experts Launch Mideast Security Series at Wilson Center Event

USIP Experts Launch Mideast Security Series at Wilson Center Event

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A new strategic landscape is emerging in the Middle East as authoritarian states such as Russia and China attempt to use the upheaval of the Arab Spring to increase their regional influence and strengthen their efforts to pose a counterweight to U.S. power and Western norms on democracy and human rights, USIP’s Daniel Brumberg and Steven Heydemann said at a public forum on January 29.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Syria: Regional Fallout from the Civil War

Syria: Regional Fallout from the Civil War

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

In the first in a USIP series on “sleeper risks” in 2013, possible regional effects of Syria’s civil war are examined. If the regime of Bashar Al-Assad falls back into an Alawite-dominated area under intensifying rebel pressure, the fragmentation of the Syrian state could encourage Kurdish and other separatism, raising questions about the post-Ottoman state system in the Levant.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

USIP President Marshall Meets with Gen. Anthony Zinni

USIP President Marshall Meets with Gen. Anthony Zinni

Monday, January 28, 2013

USIP President Jim Marshall and USIP Executive Vice President Kristin Lord met with General (Ret., USMC) Anthony Zinni and General (Ret., U.S. Army) Robert Foss on January 28, 2013 to discuss opportunities to improve collaboration between the Joint Advanced Warfighting School and USIP.

North Korea’s Nuclear Threats Resume

North Korea’s Nuclear Threats Resume

Friday, January 25, 2013

It is a recurring pattern. North Korea takes a provocative step to advance its weapons programs or confront its adversaries. Its actions are condemned by the international community. Then Pyongyang doubles down and vows another tough response, often entailing another act of proliferation. USIP’s Mike Lekson considers the challenges of the North’s nuclear and missile proliferation.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Naval Attaches Briefed on U.S. China Policy at USIP

Naval Attaches Briefed on U.S. China Policy at USIP

Friday, January 25, 2013

USIP held the second in a new series of meetings with Asia-Pacific naval attaches in Washington on January 25, providing a briefing on U.S. policy toward China. The broader initiative—Naval Attache Roundtable Meetings—aims to deepen exchanges on a region of vital strategic and economic importance toward which the U.S. government is “rebalancing” its foreign policy.

Type: Analysis

Education & Training