
Prospects for a Successful Peace Process in Nepal: Internal and International Perspectives

Sunday, April 1, 2007

On November 21, 2006, Nepal's government and the Communist Party of Nepal signed a comprehensive peace agreement to formally end their ten-year conflict, which has resulted in an estimated 13,000 deaths. The agreement has been widely hailed as historic and many observers feel cautiously optimistic, in spite of the hurdles that lie ahead. What are the challenges Nepal faces during the peace process?

Type: Peace Brief

New Strategies for Darfur

Sunday, April 1, 2007

While the humanitarian and security crises continue in Darfur, there have been some improvements in recent weeks, including the decrease in civilian casualties. However, in the first two months of 2007, 80,000 people were forced from their homes because of violence. How can the international community help enhance peacekeeping in Darfur?

Type: Peace Brief

Who Rules Ahmadinejad’s Iran?

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Iran’s recent detention of 15 British sailors and marines has exacerbated tensions between the United States and Iran. With relations already strained due to Iran's activities in Iraq and its nuclear ambitions, understanding Iran's power structure and decision-making processes has become increasingly important.

Type: Peace Brief

Syria's Relations with Iraq

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Stepped-up regional diplomacy initiatives on Iraq have brought new attention to the role of Iraq's neighbors. A March 10 conference in Baghdad brought together regional powers, including Syria and Iran, together with American and Western diplomats, and marked the most significant diplomatic gathering in Iraq since 1990. As the tempo of diplomacy gains momentum, there is renewed focus on Syrian-Iraqi ties and whether Syria can help bring stability to Iraq.

Type: Peace Brief

Security Sector Reform in Liberia: Domestic Considerations and the Way Forward

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Security Sector Reform (SSR) is one of the four major objectives pursued by the Liberian government as it rebuilds after the fifteen-year civil war. What are the approaches and framework used by the government of Liberia to help rebuild this post-conflict state? How can the international community ensure that security reform continues to move forward?

Type: Peace Brief

U.S.-Pakistan Strategic Relationship

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Briefing before the bipartisan Congressional briefing series sponsored by Congressmen Howard Berman (D-CA) and Chris Shays (R-CT) on how to generate greater action by the government of Pakistan against extremist elements operating within its borders with Christine Fair and the International Crisis Group.

Type: Congressional Testimony

The Marmara Declaration

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Against the backdrop of intensified regional diplomacy, a high-level group of foreign policy and national security figures from Iraq and its six neighbors (Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Turkey) engaged in a wide-ranging, constructive, non-official dialogue on ways to stabilize Iraq and improve regional security.

Type: Report

Trauma and Conflict Web Links

Friday, March 9, 2007

Below are links by topical categories to resources primarily in English providing information on trauma in zones of conflict and specifically, training for trauma relief. For regional information, please see related links at Regional Resources. General Resources Training Programs, Projects and Publications These links complement the Institute Special Report: Training to Help Traumatized Populations. General Resources The sites below provide an overview and a variety of reso...

Type: Article