Women and Violent Extremism: A Growing Threat Demands Concerted Action

Women and Violent Extremism: A Growing Threat Demands Concerted Action

Monday, August 3, 2015

The extremist organization ISIS manipulates gender dynamics far better than its opponents often understand. It recruits young men with promises of control over women and uses mass rape as a form of cohesion. At the same time, it lures isolated women with appeals to enlarge their lives by joining a cause. Policymakers seeking to address the role of women in countering violent extremism must take an equally layered, multi-pronged approach to gender, according to experts from government, the Uni...

Type: Analysis

Violent ExtremismGender

U.S. Envoy Feldman Urges Continued Support to Solidify Afghan Gains

U.S. Envoy Feldman Urges Continued Support to Solidify Afghan Gains

Thursday, August 6, 2015

The U.S. can’t assess yet the precise impact the confirmed death of Taliban leader Mullah Omar will have on the group’s talks with the Afghan government, but officials do believe the insurgency faces a more stable and united administration than at any time in the past six years, according to Dan Feldman, the outgoing U.S. special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Type: Analysis

Violent Extremism

Halting Yemen’s War: U.S. Must Lead, Nobel Peace Laureate Says

Halting Yemen’s War: U.S. Must Lead, Nobel Peace Laureate Says

Monday, September 14, 2015

Tawakkol Karman, the Yemeni human rights activist who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2011, called on the United States to assume a bigger role in trying to revive a political process that might end the war now tearing her country apart. She urged the U.S. government to lead in pressing for a cease-fire and the transformation of Yemen’s militias into political parties.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionGenderReligionMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue

Europe’s Refugee Flood Shows Urgent Need for Action on Middle East

Europe’s Refugee Flood Shows Urgent Need for Action on Middle East

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former National Security Advisor Stephen J. Hadley joined U.S. Institute of Peace President Nancy Lindborg, a U.K. foreign secretary-turned humanitarian advocate and other experts in calling for U.S., European and other world leaders to accelerate assistance to refugees in the Middle East and reinvigorate efforts to end the conflicts that drive them out of their homes in the first place.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & PreventionGlobal PolicyFragility & ResilienceHuman Rights

Q&A: Colombia Breakthrough a World Model for Peace Talks

Q&A: Colombia Breakthrough a World Model for Peace Talks

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Yesterday’s breakthrough in peace talks between Colombia’s government and rebels reveals the outlines of a final deal and puts the grueling process firmly back on track, says USIP’s Virginia Bouvier. The agreement may serve as a model for resolving conflicts elsewhere in the world, according to Bouvier, who heads the Institute’s Latin America programs.

Type: Analysis

Peace ProcessesMediation, Negotiation & Dialogue