Saisir l'Instant : Le Rôle de la Diaspora dans l'Avenir d'Haïti

Saisir l'Instant : Le Rôle de la Diaspora dans l'Avenir d'Haïti

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

En début juillet, le Premier ministre haïtien Gary Conille a effectué sa première visite à Washington, où il a cherché à mobiliser la diaspora haïtienne pour qu'elle soit plus active dans la restauration de la gouvernance, de la sécurité et du développement d'Haïti, tout en s'opposant à la « fatigue d'Haïti » qui affecte les autorités officielles de Washington. La diaspora haïtienne est un atout important pour les efforts multinationaux visant à résoudre les crises auxquelles le pays est confronté aujourd'hui et pourrait être un facteur déterminant dans la construction d'un avenir durable et prospère.

Type: Analysis

Global Policy

Meeting the Moment: The Role of the Diaspora in Haiti’s Future

Meeting the Moment: The Role of the Diaspora in Haiti’s Future

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

In early July, Haitian Prime Minister Gary Conille made his first version to Washington, where he sought to mobilize the Haitian diaspora to be more active in restoring Haiti’s governance, security and development, as he pushed back against the “Haiti fatigue” that afflicts official Washington. Haiti’s diaspora is an important asset to multinational efforts to address the crises the country faces today and could be a critical factor in building a sustainable and prosperous future.

Type: Analysis

Global Policy

The Red Sea Crisis Goes Beyond the Houthis

The Red Sea Crisis Goes Beyond the Houthis

Friday, July 19, 2024

The Red Sea is in crisis. At the center of the storm are Yemen’s Houthi rebels, who have unleashed a wave of attacks on ships traversing one of the world’s most pivotal maritime straits, putatively in support of Hamas’s war against Israel. The Houthi gambit in the Red Sea is imposing serious costs on global trade, as did the problem of Somali piracy, which reached its peak in 2010. The United States and some of its allies have stepped in to militarily suppress the threat, bombing Houthi positions inside Yemen. But although this episode is illustrative of the difficulties of Red Sea security, the crisis extends far beyond the trouble emanating from Yemen.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Will U.S., Iranian Politics Undercut a Nuclear Deal – or Save It?

Will U.S., Iranian Politics Undercut a Nuclear Deal – or Save It?

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A former Iranian lawmaker and a former member of Congress agreed that the question of whether American politics will give President Barack Obama the leeway he needs to reach a nuclear deal with Iran remains one of the central issues as negotiations resume this week. The Middle Eastern nation and the world’s six major powers face a June 30 deadline for converting a blueprint into a final agreement.

Type: Analysis

Mediation, Negotiation & DialogueGlobal Policy

Nuclear Flashpoints: US-Iran Tensions Over Timetables and Terms

Nuclear Flashpoints: US-Iran Tensions Over Timetables and Terms

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Another round of diplomatic talks over Iran’s nuclear program with six world powers starts June 16. Despite the promise of a potential deal, the most recent round of negotiations exposed the still-deep divisions between the two sides on basic questions. A final agreement will have to establish timetables and settle on interpretation of terms, among other critical issues.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

America’s Role in the World

America’s Role in the World

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

In our testimony, we would like to offer our perspective on the current challenges to the international system, share some insights relevant to this topic from our Middle East Strategy Task Force, and suggest some ways in which Congress might be able to help forge a new bipartisan consensus on American foreign policy.

Type: Congressional Testimony

Conflict Analysis & Prevention

Terrorism has “Changed Dramatically” Since 9/11, Experts say Bipartisan Solutions Needed

Terrorism has “Changed Dramatically” Since 9/11, Experts say Bipartisan Solutions Needed

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Despite counterterrorism efforts that have “thwarted dozens of plots and thoroughly disrupted terrorist capabilities,” we “cannot rest” in our efforts to prevent violent extremism, said Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats Tuesday night at an event at the U.S. Institute of Peace. The event, co-hosted by USIP and the Bipartisan Policy Center on the 17th anniversary of 9/11, recognized 9/11 Commission chairs Gov. Thomas Kean and Rep. Lee Hamilton for their work leading the Commission and for continuing this work through the Task Force on Extremism in Fragile States.

Type: Analysis

Fragility & Resilience

It’s Time to Stand Up to Russia’s Aggression in Ukraine

It’s Time to Stand Up to Russia’s Aggression in Ukraine

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Five years ago, Russia rolled into Crimea, orchestrated a swift and one-sided referendum, and annexed the Ukrainian territory. The West was blindsided by the attack and slow to provide any response. As a result, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a second invasion of Ukrainian soil—this one in the country’s east. This attack met stronger resistance, and eventually the West swung into gear to push for a cease-fire and to impose sanctions on Russia. Yet the conflict rumbles on and has killed over 10,300 Ukrainians so far.

Type: Analysis

Conflict Analysis & Prevention