
Conflict Resolution: A Multi-Regional Project

Friday, January 11, 2008

Ted Feifer and Skip Cole of the Institute’s Education and Training Center/ International conducted a one-day workshop for a multi-region group sponsored by the State Department’s International Visitor Leadership Program in Washington, January 11, 2008, on the “Responsibility to Protect.” This concept explores the responsibility of the international community when states fail to fulfill their sovereign responsibilities to their citizens.

Type: In the Field

Education & Training

Four Education and Training Workshops in Sudan

Sunday, December 2, 2007

In December, the Education and Training Center International Division sponsored four programs in Sudan, in Khartoum, the Nuba Mountains and Darfur. The first of these was a seminar on Civic Education held on December 2-3 at the College of Sharq el Neil, Khartoum. Senior Program Officer, Linda Bishai, worked with Sudanese local partner, The Institute for the Development of Civil Society, to plan and implement this seminar which brought together teachers, education administrators, civil society...

Type: In the Field

Education & TrainingEducation & Training

Negotiation and Diplomatic Skills, OSCE Mission to Georgia

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ted Feifer of the Institute's Education and Training Center/ International worked with 19 OSCE Mission to Georgia staff in Tblisi, November 27-29, to enhance their peacebuilding skills. Georgia's domestic political turmoil has escalated in recent months, resulting in mass demonstrations in the capital, and a short-lived declaration of emergency and shut-down of anti-government media.

Type: In the Field

Education & Training

Iraq: Mahmoudiya Tribal Reconciliation Initiative

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

USIP's Iraq program aims to reduce interethnic and interreligious violence, speed up stabilization and democratization, and reduce the need for a U.S. presence in Iraq. As part of this program, USIP has maintained a small office in the Green Zone in Baghdad since early 2004. Rusty Barber, a former political officer in the Foreign Service, has run the office since March 2007. His regular dispatches offer a lively and sobering insider's view of the promise and peril facing U.S. efforts in that ...

Type: In the Field

In the Field: Iraq

Thursday, October 4, 2007

As part of the Iraq program, USIP has maintained a small office in the Green Zone in Baghdad since early 2004. USIP's Chief of Party in Baghdad, Rusty Barber, offers weekly dipatches that capture a lively and sobering insider's view of the promise and peril facing U.S. efforts in Iraq.

Type: In the Field

Iraq: Creating a Tribal Council

Sunday, September 9, 2007

USIP's Iraq program aims to reduce interethnic and interreligious violence, speed up stabilization and democratization, and reduce the need for a U.S. presence in Iraq. As part of this program, USIP has maintained a small office in the Green Zone in Baghdad since early 2004. Rusty Barber, a former political officer in the Foreign Service, has run the office since March 2007. His regular dispatches offer a lively and sobering insider's view of the promise and peril facing U.S. efforts in that ...

Type: In the Field

Iraq: SENSE Seminar & Training

Monday, September 3, 2007

USIP's Iraq program aims to reduce interethnic and interreligious violence, speed up stabilization and democratization, and reduce the need for a U.S. presence in Iraq. As part of this program, USIP has maintained a small office in the Green Zone in Baghdad since early 2004. Rusty Barber, a former political officer in the Foreign Service, has run the office since March 2007. His regular dispatches offer a lively and sobering insider's view of the promise and peril facing U.S. efforts in that ...

Type: In the Field

Education & Training